Little inferno secret ending
Little inferno secret ending

little inferno secret ending

little inferno secret ending

He loves his job, however menial it may be, and this is in fact his central trait. The Gate Operator is nothing but a pair of hands hovering over some levers. Whether that’s because of you and your story or because of him and his own story, we’ll never know, but the cracks in his persona prove that there is more to him than his job.

Little inferno secret ending professional#

Ironically, in attempting to hide his personal feelings, he betrays some of his personal feelings: Here’s a man who likes to keep his professional life separate from his personal life, but in this moment, he’s having trouble maintaining that separation. Regardless of the meaning behind his words, they don’t fit the professional mailman persona. However, throughout your short conversation he tells you multiple times: “We’re all going to be fine.” This could be interpreted as reassuring - that he’s talking directly to you about your sudden loss of home - but it could also be personal reassurance - that he’s talking to himself about his job, the state of the world, or any number of things. Then he delivers one last letter and leaves to continue his job. The Mailman is a strict professional, keeping track of exactly how many packages and letters he’s delivered to you: “Through snow or rain! But mostly snow.” He immediately knows your house has been “de-listed” and reminds you to fill out a Change of Address form. Little Inferno pulls off this feat thanks to its deft writing that quickly establishes two sides of each person: who they are at work and who they are outside of work. Despite the fact that none of them are voiced and some don’t even show their face, they all ooze personality and charm. It seems strange at first to be talking about characters in Little Inferno since there are so few of them and your conversations never last more than a few minutes, but in that short time, the game manages to present us a group of shockingly unique and well-developed people. It’s also an adventure game, and like all great adventure games, much of its appeal and lasting effect comes from experiencing its characters. Little Inferno is ostensibly a puzzle game, except when it’s not.

Little inferno secret ending